Published inNerd For TechHow to succeed at complex, risky endeavours (a step-by-step guide to running Premortems)While a Postmortem helps you see what went wrong after an event happens, a Premortem is where you imagine a future where you didn’t…Jan 25, 2021Jan 25, 2021
Published inTDS ArchivePostmortems: The single most important keystone habit for a team (step-by-step guide)I’m an ill-disciplined person. My habit of reading books about habit-formation is stronger than any of the habits they’ve help me form.Jan 10, 2021Jan 10, 2021
Will data scientists become obsolete in the next 10 years?Will tech companies still need data scientists in the future, or are they destined to become just another blip in the history books?Nov 19, 2020Nov 19, 2020
Published inTDS ArchiveA little functional programming goes a long wayAfter playing with both object-oriented and functional programming over the past two decades, I now lean towards a more functional style…Nov 19, 2020Nov 19, 2020
Published inTDS ArchiveWhat does it take to transition from Senior to Chief Data Scientist?Thinking of becoming a Chief Data Scientist? Here’s what I think it takes to make the leap.Nov 19, 20202Nov 19, 20202
How I learned to stop worrying and love HIPAA: part 3From Part 1, you have a sense of what data you need to protect and how to assess risk. Part 2 discussed documentation requirements.Dec 10, 2017Dec 10, 2017
How I learned to stop worrying and love HIPAA: Part 2From Part 1, you have a sense of what counts as Protected Health Information (PHI) and how to conduct a Risk Assessment to understand the…Dec 10, 2017Dec 10, 2017
Published inWe are Big HealthHow I learned to stop worrying and love HIPAAI can still fondly remember when I thought a HIPAA was the most dangerous animal in Africa. Then I learned it only has one ‘P’, which might…May 16, 2016May 16, 2016
Wikis are gardensWikis aren’t empty, like the term ‘cyberspace’ sounds, nor filled with clean, glowing lines, nor grungy and neuromantic.Apr 12, 2016Apr 12, 2016
Do friendships work like memories?Within a few steps of getting off the plane at Newark on my way to Princeton, I could feel myself traveling back in time as well as in…Apr 5, 2016Apr 5, 2016